Therr are various methods available for creating sketch. All sketches incluing the following elements
Sketch elements
In many instances ,you can start to sketch at the origin ,which provides an anchor for the sketch.
Planes are the references widely used to place or refer a feature. You can sketch on planes with sketch entities such as the Line , Rectangle, Circle, etc Planes can be created in part or assembly environment.
Dimensions in sletch environment allows you to specify dimensions between entities such as lengths , Radious etc. When you change dimensions , the size and shape of the sketch entities will change . Depends on how you dimension the part , you can preserve the design intent. The software uses two types of dimensions: driving dimensions & driven dimensions.
Driving dimensions
you create driving dimensions with the dimensions tool. Drivit dimensions change the size of model when you edit their value s.
Driven dimensions
some dimensions associated with the model are driven or reference dimensions, for informational purposes, the value pf of driven dimensions changes
When you modify driving dimensions or relations in the model. You cannot modify the values of driven dimensions directly unless you convert them to driving dimensions.
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